Ships in Infinite Space
There are hundreds of ships in Infinite Space. Each of the ships is categorized into 5 different ship types.
- Battleship [BB] - Ships with the highest firepower and Anti-Ship capabilities, Larger weapons, and higher durability than other ship types. However their battle speed, mobility, and gauge speed are quite low. Battleships are mostly the largest ship type in the game by size.
- Carrier [CV] - Ships with a primary focus on carrying fighters. Their Anti-Ship capabilities and armaments are far lower than other classes, this however is made up with high base mobility and customizability, as well as the fact that their main purpose being to let the fighters do the attacking for them. Carriers are also mostly larger ships.
- Cruiser [CG] - Ships that mainly excel in Anti-Air, primarily meant to counter enemy fighter attacks. However, Cruisers often also have a role as "Jack of All trades" with average stats, weaponry and capabilities.
- Destroyer [DD] - Smaller ships that have a high battle speed, gauge speed and mobility. However they mainly lack behind in most other departments making them extremely vulnerable in some areas.
- Other [M] - Ships that do not particularly fit into any of the other types. Mainly used for single purpose ships like Transport ships, maintenance ships, hospital ships and mobile cannons. Most of these Ships are also non-playable.
Ship Stats[]
All playable ships in Infinite Space have different stats that each represent a different capabilities:
- Anti-Air: Defines the accuracy bonus when a ship attacks enemy fighters.
- Anti-Ship: Defines the accuracy bonus when a ship attacks enemy ships.
- Cruise Speed: Defines the speed at which a ship is navigating through the map. A higher cruise speed also means fewer battle encounters.
- Battle Speed: Defines the movement speed of a ship during battle.
- Mobility: Defines the probability of dodging an enemy attack.
- Armor: Defines the armor rate of a ship. A higher armor value will lead to less damage when attacked by an enemy ship.
- Durability: Defines the amount of damage a ship can take before it's destroyed.
- Attack Range: Defines the distance at which a ship can target an enemy.
- Livability: Defines the quality of life of a ship. A high livability means an increase in gauge speed.
- Crew Required: The amount of crew members required for a ship to operate at its fullest potential
- Crew Currently: The amount of crew members the ship currently employs.
- Customizable Weapons: The amount of weapons that can be chosen by the player.
- Fixed Weapons: The weapons that cannot be changed by the player.
- Module Space: The amount of module blocks a ship has.
- Fighter Capacity: Defines if a ship has the ability to carry fighters.
There are also stats that are present yet are not listed anywhere in the game such as "Gauge Speed"
Naming misconception[]
There is a common misconception that the ship types are called classes. When in fact "class" is the suffix for the ship names themselves. For example: The Novik [DD] is actually called the "Novik Class". This is also how ship classes are defined with real world ships. However the game layout makes it look like this is not the case. This is also not helped by the fact that many characters call their ship by the name of their class. (An example would be Celina's Lykourgos Class [BB] ship also being named "Lykourgos".) However, there are also instances where a character uses a different name for their ship than the class name. (An example here would be Cico, naming both his Zara C Class [CG] and Nehalennia C Class [BB] "Rudianos".)
For the sake of simplicity, ships both in-game and in the Wiki will often only be referred to by their name without the "Class" suffix most of the time.
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